The course provides a broad view of how to become and progress as a researcher. It spans over a wide range of topics, from the historical development of scientific thought to research methodology, to the pragmatics of publication, research funding, evaluation, and promotion in a researcher’s career. It also stresses the ethical aspects of research. Although the course speaks about scientific research in general, it especially focuses on the field on Information and Communication Science and Technology. The course is mainly directed to students engaging in research and beginning researchers. It may also be of interest for senior researcher in their role as supervisors or mentors, and to all those who are interested in how scientific research works. The main topics addressed in the course are: - Research, its historical development, and its role in society; - Research methodology; - The products of research: publications and artifacts; - The professional researcher: roles and career progress; - Research evaluation, from peer review to bibliometrics; - Research ethics.
    Удивительным открытием последнего времени явилось понимание того, жизненные циклы разных технических объектов и систем деятельности предприятия строятся хотя и по уникальным, но по подобным лекалам. Это позволило объединить и гармонизировать разнообразные науки – теорию систем и операций, системный инжиниринг, процессы проектирования и производства, кибернетику и теорию управления, научный менеджмент, информационные технологии предприятий в единую программу – Системы инжиниринга, менеджмента и управления 2.0 (лэндинг Программы 2.0: Изучение Программы 2.0 формирует понимание сквозных закономерностей построения технологических и производственных компонент современной и перспективной экономической цивилизации, упрощает изучение большого поля методов и расширяет кругозор, позволяет выпускникам строить ускоренные, разнообразные и конкурентоспособные деловые карьеры на основе синергии разнообразных компетенций. Можно говорить о том, что этот курс для амбициозных и любознательных инженеров-менеджеров настоящего, архитекторов будущего.
      This course teaches you the basics of conducting qualitative research. You will learn how to: (a) design research questions, (b) write interview questions, and (c) conduct observations. You will also be introduced to basic data analysis techniques and think about where you would like to publish and present your research. This course is perfect for anyone interested in conducting qualitative research but isn't sure how to get started. At the end of this course, you will have gained knowledge about the primary tools used in qualitative research and how to use them. You will be ready to go forth and conduct your own research.
        Драгоценные камни ценились во все времена. И сегодня они остаются самым желанным украшением для женщин и символом власти и достатка для мужчин. Люди издавна приписывали самоцветам целебные и магические свойства, а их красота, блеск и изящество завораживают каждого, кто на них смотрит. Однако мало кто знает, что изучению драгоценных камней посвящена целая наука — геммология, с основами которой вас познакомит предлагаемый курс. Рождается ли камень драгоценным? Что определяет его высокую стоимость? Как отличить природный камень от искусственного? Ответы на эти вопросы вы найдете в нашем курсе. Вы увидите, как профессиональные геммологи проводят экспертизу и диагностику драгоценных камней в лаборатории, чтобы установить их происхождение с максимальной точностью. Вы научитесь различать самоцветы, узнаете о местах их добычи и месторождениях, поймёте, какие физические и оптические свойства драгоценных камней дают им такую великолепную игру света и цвета. Кроме того, вы узнаете, как развивались технологии огранки бриллиантов, а также познакомитесь с историей величайших алмазов планеты. Благодаря этому вы сможете взглянуть на драгоценные камни по-новому и научитесь разбираться в том, что вы видите на прилавках ювелирных магазинов.
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          Why would hundreds of scientists from around the world intentionally freeze a ship in Arctic sea ice for an entire year, braving subzero temperatures and months of polar darkness? This may sound like a fictional adventure movie plot, but from September 2019 through October 2020, the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) Arctic research expedition did just this. In this course, you’ll hear directly from MOSAiC scientists and Arctic experts as they describe why this expedition is so key for increasing our understanding of the Arctic and global climate systems and what kinds of data they will be collecting during MOSAiC on the ice, under the sea, and in the air. The course kicks off with content around Arctic geography, climate, and exploration history, and then walks learners through the basics of the components of the Arctic system: atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and ecosystems. You will also learn how the data collected during MOSAiC will be used to improve climate model projections. Finally, we will wrap up the course by exploring challenges the new Arctic faces, including how indigenous peoples in the Arctic are being impacted in different ways by a changing Arctic environment.
            Matthew Lesko is America's #1 Free Money Researcher.  He's written over 100 books on the subject including 2 New York Time s Bestsellers. Two of this books won "Best Reference Book of the Year" awards and he was a financial  columnist for the New York Times,  Chicago Tribune and Good Housekeeping magazine. Matthew has sold over 4 million reference books on free money and had a string of very successful infomercials.  He has been a regular guest on TV talk shows like The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Tonight Show, Letterman, Oprah, Larry King, CNN, ABC News and Fox News. He still spends every day of his life researching grants and other alternative sources of free money and help for clients who need to solve their financial problems or fund their projects. This Course Will Cut Your Internet Research Time By 80% Lesko has taken his 40 years of research experience and developed a simple set of skills and tricks to keep you out of the Google Search Run-A-Round. Your new skills will not only save you tons of internet research time and frustration...but more importantly, you will finally discover the money sources that were never showing up in Google. You'll Learn The 5 Biggest Problems When Using Google and How To Solve Them. 1...Quantity not Quality 2...Advertising Dollars 3...Accuracy 4...Asking The Wrong Question 5...You Can't Call Google You will also learn how to use 6 alternative websites that specialize in showing you only free sources of money and help--never trying to sell you anything. Your Google Searching Will Never Be The Same Again! But, You'll Now Have A Bigger Problem.... What Are You Going To Do with All The Extra Time You've Saved by No Longer Going Around in Google Circles? Matthew Lesko New York Times Best Selling Author and Entrepreneur
              On Being a Scientist will provide you with an overview of scientific conduct & ethics, what it means to be a scientist and allows you to become acquainted with academic practice, thus meeting a demand for increased awareness in scientific integrity. This course is designed to inform you on topics as scientific integrity and social responsibilities of scientists. Broad questions, which are inseparably linked to these topics are discussed: namely regarding the nature of science and the societal role it fulfills. Course objectives: After this course you will: 1) Understand the basic principles of science, and know what is "not done". 2) Have a realistic image of science and scientists. 3) Recognize integrity dilemmas, know how to respond in clear cases, and have the skills to respond prudently in unclear cases. 4) Know and understand the differences and similarities of various disciplines. 5) Have a basic understanding of the role of science in society, realise your own societal responsibilities, and are able to take a position in societal issues where science plays a role. The course consists of a feature film, supported by short lectures, set to serve as a starting point for the discussions and assignments.
                This MOOC is about demystifying research and research methods. It will outline the fundamentals of doing research, aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at the postgraduate level. It places the student experience at the centre of our endeavours by engaging learners in a range of robust and challenging discussions and exercises befitting SOAS, University of London's status as a research-intensive university and its rich research heritage. The course will appeal to those of you who require an understanding of research approaches and skills, and importantly an ability to deploy them in your studies or in your professional lives. In particular, this course will aid those of you who have to conduct research as part of your postgraduate studies but do not perhaps have access to research methods courses, or for those of you who feel you would like additional support for self-improvement. No prior knowledge or experience in research is required to take this course and as such, the course is for everyone. This MOOC draws on a wealth of existing course material developed to support research training across SOAS, University of London and particularly drawing from the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy (CISD). In 2015, the course was nominated for the prestigious Guardian University Award for its innovative approach to online learning. Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes
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                  “Scientific Research Foundations” is now taught in many universities in a variety of specialties in almost any field of knowledge – almost to everyone who receives a higher education. There is also literature – focused on self-study or accompanying relevant courses. The feature of this author's course “Scientific Research Foundations” is in its focus on creating a picture of science in the head of a novice researcher. The “picture” is in the sense of Grenander’s pattern, not an image. This is important because pattern is a system, unlike image. From childhood, everyone imagines a scientist –like a bore in huge glasses distorting eyes, or like an extravagant Einstein with his tongue out. This is an image, and this is also very important for choosing your future. But when it comes not to imagine, but to be a scientist, your picture of a science is to be much more consistent. Therefore, the course contains numerous references to the experience and conceptual approaches of various eminent scientists, contains reading materials with fragments of significant scientific books. Reading such texts, having their own face and valuable in themselves as piece of literature, is exactly what can make a talented beginner a promising researcher. The course is intended for beginners in scientific activity in the field of information security or other technical specialties: students, undergraduates, graduates from higher school and graduate students. There may be difficulties in the course for students with only secondary or secondary special education. With motivation, these difficulties can be overcome. Infographic vector created by macrovector -
                    Наш курс — это рассказ о выдающихся изобретениях и открытиях – сифоне, тепловом двигателе, математическом анализе, квантовой механике. Изобретения и открытия эти будут очень разными. Но все их объединяет то, что они оказали огромное влияние на развитие человечества. С одной стороны, история человечества — это история войн, революций и переворотов. Но с другой стороны, — это совсем другая история, история развития науки, инженерии и вообще интеллектуальное развитие человечества (которое включает в себя, кстати, и культурное развитие – религия, литература, живопись, музыка, театр). И представляется, что эта — «Вторая история» — оказала и большее, и более позитивное влияние на человечество. Вот этой второй истории человечества и посвящен наш курс.